Saturday, August 3, 2013

Deathrun Addons

DeathrunManager.amxx; basic plugin
     DRM_trigger_hurt_fix.amxx, fixes the bug trigger_hurt_fix
     stuck.amxx; Unlock playerii
     team_join.amxx; automatically put players that the CT
     knife_mod2013.amxx; Special Powers
     specinfo.amxx, show you the list of players that fans
     prochat.amxx, Chat colored + ADMINTAG
advanced_gag.amxx, An advanced gag
     Extra-lives.amxx; Lives suplimantare
     bunnyhop.amxx, Bunny Hop server automatically
     HighPingMode.amxx; give out players with large lag
     amx_lastip.amxx; View last IPs connected
     amx_showip.amxx; View Player IPs on the server
     plugin_trail.amxx, lines in different colors
     use_button_once.amxx, you can click the button only once
     glowmenu.amxx; Menu with various colors that will shine forth
     simple_restart.amxx, you can give the command reboot / restart
     amx_t_ct_spec.amxx, can transfer players from one team or spectator
     Deathrun_Shop.amxx, can buy grenades, invisibility, etc.
     join.amxx; look when someone enters / exits the server
     afkkicker.amxx, the AFK Kicks
     camera_switch.amxx, can change room
     scout.amxx, you can take the command scout / scout
     dr_duel.amxx; When left alone CT, you can start a duel with terrorism - the / duel
     top15.amxx; Top 15 in points
     Radio.amxx; Radio on server
     resetscore.amxx; Players can reset the score
     mapchooser4.amxx; advanced voting system
     ultimate_who.amxx; Show admins online
     speedmeter.amxx, show that the speed of
     admin_vgk.amxx, GMs are displayed in tab tag VIP + receive grenade
     infohud.amxx; Information in HUD (TimeLeft, nextmap, Currentmap)
     teromenu.amxx; Menu terrorist.

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